Lucinda and Peregrin

13 Conversations

Competition Details | Kidnapped! | The Bold and the Beautiful | That Corner Returns! | Lucinda and Peregrin | Shazz and Mark | Uncle Heavy | Odd Man Out | Peta and her Fans | Mina & Chums | One of the Boys | Stroppy Editor | Bluebottle | Déjà Vu | Ashley

Proving once and for all that films influence behaviour, after watching Jaws, Peregrin ate the face off the only person in the bar drinking water.1.

Other captions that impressed the Judges were:

Peregrin's amazing dancing eyebrows cause Lucinda to laugh himself unconcious.2
I should have remembered to wash the glue off before touching myself

This photo was kindly provided by Shazz

1Congratulations to Bluebottle who wins an h2g2 T-shirt.2Contributed by Croz3Contributed by Das Mouldy Sandwich

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