
2 Conversations

Nauru is a tiny island in the Pacific Ocean, it is, in fact the smallest self-governing island in the World.


The first Westerner to set foot on Nauru was John Fearn, in 1798. He named the island Pleasant Island. In 1888 the Germans occupied the island until 1914, when it was taken over by the Australians. In 1942 it was invaded by the Japanese, who kept it until the end of World War II when it was given to the Australians again. In 1968 it gained its independence from Australia.

Throughout the 1970's, 80's and 90's Nauru was fighting for compensation for the exploitation of the island's resources, in the 90's Australia paid up, but Britain was found innocent, and did not.

nothing Significant has happened to Nauru since then until 2001, when two boatloads of Afghan refugees were sent to Nauru, after being denied permission by Australia


Nauru is a 3 mile long island in the middle of the Pacific, just below the Equator. It is divided into the 13 districts of Yaren, Meneng, Anibare, Ijuw, Anabar, Anatan, Baiti, Uaboe, Nibok, Denigomodu, Aiwo, Boe and Buada.

The only water source inside the island is the Buada Lagoon, in the province of Buada. All the fertile and inhabitable Land is around the edge. In the centre is a landscape resembling nowhere else on Earth. There is a huge field of dead coral pinnicles, rising up out of the Ground.


The Nauruan economy is a fallen economy. Ironically, it was based around bird droppings. The inside of the island was entirely covered in phosphates, formed from Guano. These phosphates were mined from the inside, and sold as fertilizer. This made Nauru one of the richest countries in the world.


If you want an interesting experience for your travels, visit Nauru. But if you want a sandy, fertile island, give up on it.

There are two hotels, the Anibare hotel and the Menen hotel. Both are very cheap for Hotels


Nauruan is a loose Micronesian language, information on it is sketchy, and almost impossible to find without living there and experiencing it first hand. All information on Nauruan is gathered from the internet.

In nauruan there is no word for hello, they say a kamawirei or I greet.

Little is known about the nauruan culture, except the language. One of the few things known is that they were a tribal culture, split into 13 tribes


Official Language: Nauruan

Capital City: None, too small for anything like that.

Head of State as of 2001: President Rene Harris (elections every 4 years)

Population as of 2001: Approx.11,000 (likely to drop)

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