Uranus Jokes
Created | Updated Oct 9, 2005
The planet Uranus lends itself to having puns created around its name, as it can be pronounced either 'you-rah-ness' or 'your-anus'. The jokes listed below rely on the use of the latter pronounciation. The following jokes should never, ever be used, and the really disgusting ones are not even included here.
'I can see Uranus'
'According to research, Uranus is huge.'
'Apparantly Uranus is a gas giant.'
'The gas from Uranus is mostly methane.'
'Uranus is known to have many moons, and the number is growing all the time.'
At the tattoo parlour - 'Are they going to put a man on Uranus?'
At the doctor's - 'Are they launching a probe towards Uranus?'
At the museum - 'Do you have close-up photos of Uranus?'
In the horoscopes - 'Uranus is very powerful at the moment.'
Man - 'Can the Hubble Space Telescope be used to observe the rings around Uranus?'
NASA employee - 'Not through the Earth's atmosphere!'
'Astronomers Do It... While Gazing At Uranus.'