Feluda Films -- changes

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I completely agree with u that I shud not add chunks after it has been through PR. Sorry for the inconvenience, but I dont know how I forgot about the Feluda theme. And, an article on Feluda movies can never be complete w/o the mention of the theme music. Cud u please add the sentence "... and continued using the same till Golapi Mukta Rahasya." at the end of the 1st sentence of the 2nd paragraph in the section.
I suggest this section be just BEFORE the section -- "Stylistic Differences".

And one last thing, cud u please add the portion as i mentioned earlier:
(Some Interesting Facts Section)
Paran Bandyopadhyay is also seen in 2 movies. In 'Bombaiyer Bombete' he plays Pulak Ghosal, the director, and in 'Tintorettor Jishu', he plays Poornendu Pal, the host to the trio in Hong Kong.

The link on Ellora has not been put in yet.

In the footnotes:
'The Mystery of the Purple Stone' is not in italics, whereas, 'A Mysterious Case' is in italics. I suggest both b in italics.

Footnote #5 is showing for Kolkata, whereas it should be for the word, video-release. This is the word used in India for the way it was filmed and released. I hv no prob if u do not want me to use the word as it might create confusion for English readers. In that case I suggest the footnote be marked with the word television-version in the same sentence.

As had been with u, readers might also think 'Ghutghutiar...', the film by Sandip Ray, is a spelling mistk for 'Ghurghutia...'. Cud u please add a phrase like -- based on Ray's story 'Ghurghutiar...'? Probably a foot-note.

'Bosepukere' -- the right spelling is 'Bosepukure'. It has been mis-spelt also in the next sentence.

A few more links:
Ghurghutiar Ghatana:

Golokdham Rahasya:

Baksa Rahasya:

Robertsoner Ruby:

Indrajal Rahasya:

Gosainpur Sargaram:

Sheyal Debota Rahasya:

Bosepukure Khunkharapi:

Jato Kando Kathmandute:

Jahangirer Swarnamudra:

Ambar Sen Antardhan Rahasya:

Doctor Munshir Diary:

I would like to suggest a few pictures for the entry. Cud u please let me know how I can do that?

This is all that I wanted the entry to be like.

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