1 Conversation

The purpose of publishing this site which includes some of the experiences

of myself and my family in England and now spread to Australia,is to show the uninitiated what can happen in seemingly normal lives.

More Importantly that one can come out of the other side of extreme circumstances with a positive outlook on a very changed life.

I am probably better placed than most to talk about mental illness(Idon't shy away from the term),because at the age of 33 after apparently recovering from two major bouts of agitated depression.

I attempted suicide by jumping approximately 60 feet from the top of a multi-storey car park in Royal Tunbridge wells Kent. surviving injuries about 1 in 200 people survive

Iam now permanently disabled, but somehow I have developed

a surprisingly positive outlook on life!

I will explore the events which,Ibelieve, have helped shape my destiny!

Considerable amounts of counselling have helped me learn a tremendous amount about myself!I hope it's of interest and possibly help. I was
featured on radio 4's hometruths just after the sad demise of John Peel
Iwas also a large part of an 'ESTHER' programme about surviving depression and coming out of the other side of it
Ialo appeared on 'KILROY'who found himself being quite overcome with the emotion of this tricky subject Igave a lecture to my old school's fifth formers about priorities in life and the averse affects of stress
an how it can affect you later on in life It's a while sinceIwas able to pursue my aim to end the taboo cos it could happen to you.any opportunity to discuss this from steve wright in the afternoon to jeremy paxman would be welcomed mental problems are at epidemic levels and rising it's vital the wider media deal with it responsibly
Iwatched griff rhys jones on anger management, where he suggested people where now happy to speak of depression and other disorders but not anger, sorry griff wrong!! their is still a massive taboo not least in the nhs where it remaind massively underfunded at a time when limfe foir most people is more stressful than ever indeed a mental health unit which was to be built on the site of the new tunbridge wells pfi hospital it was promised then they scrapped it very indicative of the place of mental health in the priorities of the government and hospital trusts!thoughts of my twin sister
my twin sister came over for a chat obcviously she has been close to what happened to me
she likened depression to some cancer's
1 you can't always see it it's not obvious always as you can't put a plaster on it!It is likely Ihave had more therapy than you have had hot dinners unlike the likes of raj persaud i've learned it from experience not the books of others. I've One hell of a story to tell, with the help of a researcher more could be revealed
2.some can be cured
some can't others offer remission, could be a train of thought to help people gain a little understanding,where precious little exists

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