Created | Updated Jan 28, 2002
A full, plump, pair of soft lips are considered by most humans, to be asthetically pleasing and a sign of beauty. Although, many people believe thin, dry indicate a very sexual and sensual person. Lips can be altered in appearance by several methods. The aplication of lipsalve or Vasciline is not only to make lips look most and fresh but also to stop the uncomfortable irritation of having dry, chapped lips. By applying lip gloss or lipstick the colour and texture of the subjects lips can be changed. The colours of lipsticks change according to the fashion of the 'season'. Lipsticks are worn, mostly, by females to enchance sexual attractiveness.
Lips are also prone to disease. Cold sores, a virial infecton, caught from kissing, can be treated in the short term by creams purchased froma pharmasist but will return whenever the infected party feels rundown or stressed or malnourished. In the form of a redness or painfull blemish to the lip it can only be transferred while the sore is showing.