Paul Simon's 'You're The One'

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I feel that YOU'RE THE ONE is probably Paul Simon's best album since GRACELAND'. It's less obviously complicated, utill you read between the lines. I've always thought he had a wonderful voice (and he still sounds incredibly young), but here, he really uses it to it's best advantage. In all honestly, I've never heard Paul use his voice in the manner he has through out this album. The way he performs those wonderful arguments in MY DARLING LORRAINE, sounding funky in YOU'RE THE ONE, bouncy, funny and expressionate, but thought provoking (I love the way he uses his voice to describe the pig, I can picture him trying to look piglike whilst singing) in PIGS, SHEEP AND WOLVES and spiritual and peaceful in QUIET (I found myself shedding a tear at the end of that track it was so moving).

I love the continually changing tempos throughout the songs. The lyrics are, as always, beautifully written, thoughtful and funny. Favourite lines....hum? 'All the trees were washed with April rain and the moon in the meadow took darling Lorraine.' DARLING LORRAINE, 'You are the air inside my chest' YOU'RE THE ONE, 'Gimme a hug, gimme a kiss. Then hey, hey, off to school we go. You might learn something, yeah you never you so'from LOOK AT THAT makes me think of KODACHROME. 'Deeper and deeper the dreamer of love sleeps on a quilt of stars' THE TEACHER. The opening lines to QUIET 'I am heading for a time of quiet, when my restlessness is past and I can lie down on my blanket and release my fists at last.'

I've read a great deal about 'Quiet', many people seem to feel that Paul is thinking of death. Well, to me it's more a realisation that now he can slow down, do things at his own pace and not when others think it should be done. To be able to sit in his own space and not feel it being invaded by those that shouldn't be there and be surrounded by those that should. That he doesn't need to carry all the woes of the world on his shoulder's, to let someone else take that burden...........and to relax!!

What more can I say? It's an amazing album, I love the variety. He said somewhere that his children were sprinkled throughout the whole album, well if this is what having kids does for yet I think.

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