A Conversation for The Title Appreciacion Society

The Chairs:the burning question

Post 21

ex-Rambling. Thingite. Dog. Pythonist. Deceased.

smiley - ghostw85 the one to blame, and all that.
smiley - laugh

well, he got a few things right

Post 22

ex-Rambling. Thingite. Dog. Pythonist. Deceased.

smiley - ghost we shouldn't be too harsh on him, after all, he made H2G2, and montey python.
and ghosts,and whiskey, and cheesecake cannonssmiley - biggrin, and the blue sky, and fluffy little bunny rabbits, and war smiley - loveblush...

floats off smiley - whistle asways look on the bright side of lifesmiley - musicalnote

well, he got a few things right

Post 23

ex-Rambling. Thingite. Dog. Pythonist. Deceased.

smiley - ghost we shouldn't be too harsh on him, after all, he made H2G2, and montey python.
and ghosts,and whiskey, and cheesecake cannonssmiley - biggrin, and the blue sky, and fluffy little bunny rabbits, and war smiley - loveblush...

floats off smiley - whistle always look on the bright side of lifesmiley - musicalnote

well, he got a few things right

Post 24


did he also make that annoying little elf who copies and pastes all our entries into forums so that they appear twice

smiley - biggrin

well, he got a few things right

Post 25


did he also make that annoying little elf who copies and pastes all our entries into forums so that they appear twice

smiley - biggrin

well, he got a few things right

Post 26


Darn, you're not going to believe this, but I didn't do that on purpose
I swear I only pressed the button once
smiley - doh

well, he got a few things right

Post 27

ex-Rambling. Thingite. Dog. Pythonist. Deceased.

smiley - ghostly smiley - laugh It's funnier that way.
bad, smiley - elf bad, bad smiley - elf
what are we going to do about him?::looks at colt. 45 thoughtfully::

actually, I was trying to correct a typo and I hit the wrong button.

see ya.

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Post 28


Now i've thoroughly annoyed everyone in here, can I have a title or am I about to be banned for life from this thread?

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Post 29


how about "Grand Protector of half finished bottles"?

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Post 30


Granted O whisky, Grand Protector of Unfinished Bottles.smiley - magic

Ofcourse, if that was only a suggestion, it can be changed...

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Post 31

ex-Rambling. Thingite. Dog. Pythonist. Deceased.

smiley - ghost I like it. It conjures images of someone hunkering over a half-finished bottle and glaring, like a dog protecting a bone. smiley - grrsmiley - laugh

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Post 32

Dr.Weasel - Grand Duchess of Getting Drunk&Falling Over While Wearing Stupidly High Heels&Singing "Show Me the Way To Go Home"

I've finally found a title! Can i be "Grand Duchess of getting Drunk and Falling Over while wearing stupidly high heels and Singing "Show Me the Way to go Home""?

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Post 33


smiley - grrsmiley - steam

Leave my half empty bottle alone

(Mind u, I'll share the half full ones with all my friends)

Thank u o great creator of all

and have one on me smiley - cheers

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Post 34


Thanks O Great Protector!! smiley - biggrin

And Dr. Weasel: I grant thine chosen title "Grand Duchess of Getting Drunk and Falling Over While Wearing Stupidly High Heels and Singing 'Show Me the Way to go Home'" smiley - magic (Nice title!!!)

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Post 35

Dr.Weasel - Grand Duchess of Getting Drunk&Falling Over While Wearing Stupidly High Heels&Singing "Show Me the Way To Go Home"

Huzzah, now I feel that I have a purpose in life! All together now.... "Show me the way to go home......" :D

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Post 36

Dr.Weasel - Grand Duchess of Getting Drunk&Falling Over While Wearing Stupidly High Heels&Singing "Show Me the Way To Go Home"

Huzzah, now I feel that I have a purpose in life! All together now.... "Show me the way to go home......" smiley - smiley

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Post 37

ex-Rambling. Thingite. Dog. Pythonist. Deceased.

smiley - biggrin

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Post 38

ex-Rambling. Thingite. Dog. Pythonist. Deceased.

smiley - ghostsmiley - musicalnote Show me the way to the half-full whiskey bottles.smiley - musicalnote

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Post 39


Let's crack open a new one, all the half full ones are hidden under my bed.... and believe me, you wouldn't want to go anywhere near that smiley - winkeye

Strange and wierd things have been spotted in the vicinty of my bed smiley - weird

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Post 40

ex-Rambling. Thingite. Dog. Pythonist. Deceased.

smiley - ghost drag them out and haul them down to the sewer spotters club in the h2g2 waterworks! there's a smiley - monster university starting up, and we're having a bbq. all are invited.smiley - biggrin
let's see, how did that link thingy go...

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