Project Computer Viruses- What laws are there against writing viruses? (USA)

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Sure, viruses are bad, but what's stopping you from writing them? It's not illegal, is it?

Actually, it is. Here is a condensed1 version of all the laws.

We Hold These Truths to be Self-Internet

  1. No hacking. It's against the law to break in to a system without being told you can.
  2. You can't make a program to do it for you, either.
  3. You're not even allowed to connect to a computer on the Internet or a network without permission, or treat it as a server.
  4. Actually, the law also, explicitly, states that you're not allowed to connect to a computer and/or treat it as a server without permission even if it's NOT on the Internet or a network. (Huh?)
  5. You can't ruin a computer, or its data, without permission.
  6. No, you CAN'T send a program in to do the dirty work for you! Format C:2 is Format C:, whether you did it or a virus did.
  7. It's been said once, but the law says it again in a slightly different way: you can't set up a computer as a server unless the owner of said computer wants you to.
  8. Passwords are PRIVATE. Making a "password-snatcher" program that checks passwords and emails them to you isn't going to be taken too kindly in the eyes of the law.

But they can't DO anything about it, right?

You're In For It, Bub

Penalties for breaking these laws include things like jail for five years and fines in excess of $10,0003. So don't write viruses! But if you get hit by one, remember that, no matter what "they" say, you CAN indeed do something about it!

One Final Note

All information was found from

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1I.E. Only stuff that matters to the subject, and without all the "lawyer-speak."2For those of you without Windows or DOS, or have had it for less than a day- a disk format deletes everything on the drive. C: is the drive where everything critical to the OS is usually stored.3 US Currency. At time of authoring of article, that's about 7,005.70 British pounds sterling, as stated by the Currency Converter.

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