Ghosts Uncovered: Part 2

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Myth would have us believe the spirits of the dead are all around us, day and night. Indeed, many people do believe in the existence of spirits, but whether this belief is of the traditional ghost or of some type of "soul" is open for debate.
All things considered, many people remain understandably oblivious and confused as to whether they themselves believe.
There are, however, those who claim to be able to help us make our decision, or even those who have the ability to contact our relatives who have passed away.
Frightening for some people though this may seem, I recently visited a spiritualist to see if they could contact a fictional relative who had recently died. My cynicism was firmly in check...

I was greeted and led to a wonderful rune-carved table which certainly looked mystical. I was told to relax, and managed to do so, until the spiritualist asked me the first question...

"Do you know someone called David?" she asked.

I could hardly contain my disappointment.

"Who doesn't know at least one person called David?" I replied tersely.

Who did she mean? A friend called David? A relative? David Bowie? David Duchovny? Who knows!

She then told me that the doubt and complacency I was showing could block her spiritual link with my psyche, so I should believe in both her powers and my own. I didn't really understand this statement, but I felt pretty pleased that I'd managed to ruffle her psychic feathers on the very first question.

From then on, the "reading" went onwards and downwards. Eventually, after more questions than answers, she accused me of disbelief and narrow-mindedness. I accused her of being a fraud who preyed on the gullible. After the exchange, I was asked to leave the room, and luckliy for me the usual fee of £30 for 30 minutes had been waived.

These people are undoubtedly brilliant at reading people's emotions, and have a few fairground tricks up their sleeves, but whether they have the ability to genuinely contact entities in the spirit world (a world that many people refuse to believe even exists) is another matter entirely. Frankly, I doubt it.

Take care.

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