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Because cars here on earth emit a foul smelling, unbreathable smog, measures have been taken to create bigger, slower and more polluting vehicles called buses. These, as Fizz correctly notes, are usually but not always red. Buses are designed to leave either eleven minutes before their scheduled time or fifteen minutes after. This means that the very few people who ever manage to catch one are usually not only very angry, but also deeply odd, as one must be to arrive eleven minutes early or wait the full fifteen. So why is it, then, that they are very often extremely crowded? This is actually down to a special route alteration in the buses course, whereby it simply circles a long series of very bad places. This has the result that no-one ever gets off the bus, since it drives straight past anywhere it is worth going to, and it also picks up a great many people who have been desperately trying to escape these bad places.

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