How to write a Role Playing Game
Created | Updated Jan 28, 2002
Writing a Role Playing Game (RPG) can be one of the funnest and hardest things you do. But, why would you want to write your own RPG? There could be many reasons to write your own Role Playing Game: dissatisfation with what is out there now, maybe there are things in the current systems that could be improved upon, or maybe you are just completely bored.
Here's some of the things you need to do:
You need to decide what type of RPG it is. Is it Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Future, Medieval, or a combination of some of these.
I wrote an RPG called AENAR that is a Fantasy based system.
How many races of people are there in your system? Are there only humans? Or are there a variety of races such as Humans, Elves, and Dwarves?
Aenar has Louki (human), Mujina (dark elf), Chowen (chow dog), Saot (Gerbil), Avian (bird), and Amphibians.
Character Classes
What can the characters in your game be? What careers can they pursue? Every system I have ever played has had: Warriors, Mages, and Rogues (Thief, assassin, bard, etc.).
An RPG is not complete with a list of things that people do. Characters are rather boring without skills like: Cooking, dancing, juggling, hunting, musical instruments, etc.
Where would an RPG be without rules? Rules are essential for a successful role playing game. Some rules to consider are:
What constitutes a hit in combat?
How does magic work?
How many hits can a character take before they succum to pain or death?
Dice are an important part of many RPGs and there are many to choose from: 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, and 20 sided dice are the most common.
Why are dice important? You need a system by which you can determine what happens with characters within the system. Dice are used for determining what happens in combat, magic, tests of the mind, and countless other tests.
Aenar uses 4, 8, 12, and 20 sided dice.
The world
Without a world to play in, an rpg is useless. The world is composed of many parts of what has already been created. If the races in your game are mainly aquatic, your world is not likely to have a lot of dry ground.
Hopefully, I have shed some light on the process of creating a role playing game. Have Fun!