A Conversation for Supernatural-TV Series

Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A60034808 - Supernatural-TV Series

Post 1


Entry: Supernatural-TV Series - A60034808
Author: Serephina..is now married! - U191719

Bit stuck on this one, not sure what I can add without going into spoiler territory! Any advice apreciated smiley - cheers

A60034808 - Supernatural-TV Series

Post 2


First off - I've never seen the show so I really have no idea if you've covered the topic fully.

That being said, I feel like I have a good rough overview of what the show is about. In a nutshell, it's two brothers taking on the supernatural. smiley - biggrin

I think if you break it into headings you'll find yourself with a better structure and possibly more to say about each. I would suggest an Inspiration, an Overview, and a Main Characters to start with. Give it a go and see if it helps. Other ideas might be Reoccuring Bad Guys or Monsters, or a Supporting Characters section.

Is the show complete, or are they still making it? If it's finished then I think you can get away with some overall plot arc (avoiding as many apoilers as possible). If it's unfinished I wouldn't simply because as soon as a new season is made it will date the article.

I hope that helps,

smiley - fairy

A60034808 - Supernatural-TV Series

Post 3


Thanks VIP

No it's not finished yet, Season 5 is currently airing with about 12 episodes left to go and there could be a 6th.

See what you mean about the plot arc will avoid it, thanks smiley - cheers

A60034808 - Supernatural-TV Series

Post 4


Any better? smiley - smiley

A60034808 - Supernatural-TV Series

Post 5


not bad as an intro.
As you say, the problem is how much to put in and how much not to cos it would spoil it.

Is it worth mentioning Lilith?

Also the sometimes murky ethics/morales?
It isn't all clear cut good bad - the baddy vampire hunter that wanted to kill Sam, the exceedingly ambiguous angels (notable that nearly all supernatural characters are baddies, or baddies who are being goodies for some ulterior motive) plus vampires that don;t touch humans and so forth.

I guess you can talk about the whole overarching demon story as it isn;t really that surprising - although many of the individual stories are taken from all sorts of myths and legends, the supernatural universe it is set in quite clearly conforms to a very revelations-esque model with a few bits of cowboy legend (cf. the pistol) added on. Demons and angels, the fall, gods favourtism of humans over angels etc.

You could also put a bit in about the role of anti-supernatural tools? Never go anywhere without salt!

Not trying to poke any holes as I know it is a work in progress but hoping to provide some help as to what to include without massive spoilers smiley - smiley

Oh yes, and Sam's 'ancestry' might be worth mentioning, it is alluded to from the first series (I think, the one where he starts getting visions and telekinetic powers)

a good start though, smiley - ok

A60034808 - Supernatural-TV Series

Post 6


Yay someone knows what I'm talking about smiley - biggrin

Dilemma at the mo is if I mention Lillith can I do so without mentioning Lucifer? Castiel alo warrants a mention

A60034808 - Supernatural-TV Series

Post 7


..I feel but not sure how to do without dropping a dean in hell spoiler smiley - erm

I've done a bit more with it this afternoon but some great suggestions there , thanks smiley - cheers

A60034808 - Supernatural-TV Series

Post 8


Ooh, it's already much better. I've not a lot more to add at the moment but it's seems to be going to the right direction. It feels a lot better in terms of structure and feels a lot more fleshed out than when you started. smiley - ok

smiley - fairy

A60034808 - Supernatural-TV Series

Post 9


Thanks smiley - cheers

Still updating smiley - puff

A60034808 - Supernatural-TV Series

Post 10


Hey, no probs. Will have another read through later.

Think Lilith can be mentioned as a recurring antagonist without the overarching role she plays as she does crop up a few times.

Also worth mentioning Reapers.
And maybe some of the types of demons such as the Sins etc?

A60034808 - Supernatural-TV Series

Post 11


Think I'm done for the mo . Hows it look?

A60034808 - Supernatural-TV Series

Post 12


Wow! This is so much better than when we started! Your headings make a lot of sense and with all the extra characters and objects it really feels a lot more fleshed out. There are a few spelling mistakes and spaces in funny places, but the actual structure and content is really good.

I'd copy the text and put it through a spell check before you put it through Peer Review. I don't have any more comments, so it's up to you whether you see if anyone else has any ideas here or whether you take it out of the WW and into PR.

smiley - fairy

A60034808 - Supernatural-TV Series

Post 13


Sorry VIP, I'd moved it before I saw your comment. Will put through a spelll check now , thanks smiley - cheers


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