Title Page: Voting Systems

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Title page of Voting Systems

This is a project on different methods of voting used around the world. These include major methods, such as First Past the Post (FPP) to a number of minor systems found in the more exotic parts of the globe.

For now the projects will include:

  • A58593180 - the Single Transferable vote

    This is a near-finished entry that only has one issue over the exact definition of the system to be complete.

  • A60029237 - First Past the Post

    This entry will focus on the FPP system, that is of whoever has the most votes, wins.

  • A60204854 - A Fair Selection of PR systems

    There's a number of PR systems used that are used by many voters. This is an entry of the more common ones.

  • ........... - Instant Run Off - the Voting System

    Apart from the FPP method the major method of non-proportional voting systems is that of the Instant Run Off method.

  • ........... - The Introduction of Voting

    An entry about the begginnings of voting - what the systems were, how they were managed...and were they effective?

  • ......... - Alternative Voting Mechanisms

    Hopefully a more lighthearted entry (albeit informative) this aims to cover a whole range of weird and wonderful methods of voting that are (and have been) used all over the world.

Alex has written an entry on the D'Hondt method so I will link throughly to that, and hopefully get some help with these entries from him.

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