Katamari Damacy

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Katamari Damacy is a game in which the player (as the Prince) is tasked with rolling things up with their sticky ball, or Katamari, after the King of All Cosmos destroys the stars in the sky from drunkeness one night. Why roll things up? The collected mass can then be turned into a star.

Katamari Damacy was a huge sleeper hit and culled much international cash for creator Namco, who decided to rush out a sequel that plays pretty much the same, We Love Katamari. In this game the fans who played Katamari Damacy are madly in love with the game and the King of All Cosmos orders The Prince to follow fans tasks after said fan strokes his ego.

Both games are known for their "no-button-play" and for their quirky soundtracks, which are very original pieces of lounge music.

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