Ancient Brit - A silver surfer - An h2g2 newbie - Hiker - Lurker - Researcher and Octogenarian in that order.

3 Conversations

Use this (Plain Text) entry to discuss the current goings on with the BBC/H2g2 relationship.
If you check My Space(A778007 or U197657 )you will see that I make very few entries to my journal for reasons that I specify. In those eary days as a silver surfer and newbie to the internet in general and h2g2 in particular I played about quite a bit trying to get a grasp of what you could and could not do, and more importantly what you should and should not do. Flexibility and manipulation are features that have kept me in h2g2 after my son first pointed me in it's direction at the turn of the century and I hope that they remain. Time will tell.
I recognised the full potential of Guide Entries when I got into GML. As I see it your Personal Space is no more than a special guide entry. The title entry name and the detail can be changed as required. For the time being however avoid putting apostrophies in the title, this can cause problems. Read F94020?thread=7099186 in particular post 9 onwards.
Make an entry to 'Your Space'. Such an entry will give you a community life in h2g2 that you can live in accordance with the rules.
I am not one for Edited Guide Entries but I was enticed to make entries to the Book of the Future. As far as I know these are the only entries that I have lost. I understand however that they could be revived. Off topic comments can be made with regard by discussing this entry below and if I consider such comments are relevant I can edit it as I see fit. An editable journal <biggrin>. Subsequently this entry will be linked to my other record of events found here:- A896097. I may start here with a link to Peet's ( U38364 ) techy comment F77636?thread=7070303&skip=120&show=20#p88455778 Lets Go:- Things are certainly moving in the BBC internet world. There must be an overall plan but it is not clearly defined. It all depends upon where you come from (h2g2 or message boards) when considering the changes being made. A clean up of online activities is going on and for the moment h2g2 seems to be getting by relatively unscathed having survived the original BBC takeover, the message board to DNA switch and the recent M.O.T. F77636?thread=6821762<BR/>The clean up starts with the BBC home page. <LINK HREF="<LINK HREF=""></LINK>"><LINK HREF="</LINK>"></LINK></LINK> In itself this is a work of art, so much content that, given the possibility to customise the page, it is difficult to know where to start. It will be interesting to see the new h2g2 front page and how this is linked into the scheme of things. The DNA hub would seem to have been abandoned along with some of the DNA sites. The BBC is entering the Blog world <LINK HREF="<LINK HREF=""></LINK>"><LINK HREF="</LINK>"></LINK></LINK> and seems to be rewriting its community activities . &#39;BBC Online&#39; may well be a title under which Talk and Community activities are now being collected. &#39;Message Boards&#39; is another category. H2g2 can be found under that heading but whilst all message boards are supposedly driven by DNA, Ouch! - <LINK HREF="<LINK HREF=""></LINK>"><LINK HREF="</LINK>"></LINK></LINK> seems to be an exception. On the other hand &#39;Points of View&#39; - <LINK HREF="<LINK HREF=""></LINK>"><LINK HREF="</LINK>"></LINK></LINK> retains its DNA connection. Some have gone all together, &#39;Collective&#39; - <LINK HREF="<LINK HREF=""></LINK>"><LINK HREF="</LINK>"></LINK></LINK> for instance. This all adds to the confusion. The BBC Home page covers the whole range of BBC activities TV, Radio, on line features, all brought together under the &#39;Explore the BBC ( A-Z index ) tab :- <LINK HREF="<LINK HREF=""></LINK>"><LINK HREF="</LINK>"></LINK></LINK> which is available on most Web pages, including the h2g2 Front Page. Read &#39;About the BBC&#39; <LINK HREF="<LINK HREF=""></LINK>"><LINK HREF="</LINK>"></LINK></LINK> and it is acknowledged that access to online services are part of the licence fee but H2g2 stands out among those services in that it has no direct link with TV or Radio, being a community site that can only be accessed via a computer. It has to be said though that given a little tweek, h2g2 could &#39;twitter&#39; along with the best of them.<smiley> Of course that is the dilemma, it would be a site accessible to the world but paid for by the licence fee/British tax payer. Long sign on names is the current problem but that problem would pale into insignificance if the BBC have to decide what to do with non licence payers wanting to use a site uncluttered by adverts. What chance the BBC becoming an I.S.P.? Offering web space and free service for licence payers. That way they could charge a fee for overseas users to sign on. At the moment it would seem that certain BBC facilities are restricted to overseas users. Are online interactive communication services achievable without advertising ? The broadsheet newspapers are feeling the pinch, and there is talk about them charging a fee for the online versions. This would certainly open the door for to charge as an internet news provider. A service that would remain free to licence fee and British tax payers. This is certainly a situation where a tight registration procedure would be relevant.<BR/>It&#39;s a money thing really. How do you &#39;Let Nation Speak Peace Unto Nation&#39; if only one nation pays the cost. It now goes way beyond the radio and the news,TV and entertainment, it is the whole world of communication with it&#39;s political and social implications.<BR/>--------< We have the first snowflake. Now let&#39;s build a blizzard. ---- The bosses view 2006 :- <LINK HREF="<LINK HREF=""></LINK>"><LINK HREF="</LINK>"></LINK></LINK> chief/2006/06/12/1149964446497.html<BR/>Today there is talk of the newspapers charging a fee for their online versions. This would open the door for the BBC to do the same - A world wide licence fee. <biggrin> With their world wide history and reputation in the broadcasting and communicating world and given their own website community engine powered by DNA does the BBC really need Twitter and Facebook on h2g2 front page <LINK HREF="<LINK HREF=""></LINK>"><LINK HREF="</LINK><BR/>------------------------------------------------------<BR/>Check"></LINK><BR/>------------------------------------------------------<BR/>Check</LINK> List <LINK HREF="<LINK HREF=""></LINK>"><LINK HREF="</LINK><BR/>Points"></LINK><BR/>Points</LINK> of view :- <LINK HREF="<LINK HREF=""></LINK>"><LINK HREF="</LINK>"></LINK></LINK> Ouch!:- <LINK HREF="<LINK HREF=""></LINK>"><LINK HREF="</LINK><BR/>The"></LINK><BR/>The</LINK> red button :- <LINK HREF="<LINK HREF=""></LINK>"><LINK HREF="</LINK><BR/>Digital"></LINK><BR/>Digital</LINK> - High definition - Freeview v Freesat - iPlayer and Wii - Set top boxes ?<BR/>Mark Moxon&#39;s - BBC/h2g2 involvement :- <LINK HREF="<LINK HREF=""></LINK>"><LINK HREF="</LINK><BR/>The"></LINK><BR/>The</LINK> Archers ( Mustardlanders ) :- <LINK HREF="<LINK HREF=""></LINK>"><LINK HREF="</LINK><BR/>Bye"></LINK><BR/>Bye</LINK> bye Teletext - The Web on TV - iPlayer via Wii - How about a Freeview set top box with a keyboard input ?<BR/>With so much site Customisation available, and given computer screen resolution and other customisation features will we ever see ourselves as others see us ? <biggrin><BR/>Changing the &#39;U&#39; prefix in front of your space id number and the &#39;A&#39; prefix in front of an entry number gives access to different features.<BR/>Like it or not will all DNA sites be combined to become one large BBC Community ? It isn&#39;t necessary to sign in at all unless you want to interact with the message boards on DNA sites.<BR/>----------------------------------------------------------------<BR/>EMP ? --<LINK HREF="<LINK HREF=""></LINK>"><LINK HREF="</LINK><BR/>The"></LINK><BR/>The</LINK> Strictly Come Dancing website uses the Embedded Media Player (EMP), which allows you to watch streaming video clips.<BR/>You can find an overview of common questions about the EMP here : <LINK HREF="<LINK HREF=""></LINK>"><LINK HREF="</LINK><BR/>-------------------------------------------------------------------<BR/>The"></LINK><BR/>-------------------------------------------------------------------<BR/>The</LINK> BBC Blog Network - <LINK HREF="<LINK HREF=""></LINK>"><LINK HREF="</LINK><BR/>-------------------------------------------------------------------<BR/>2011"></LINK><BR/>-------------------------------------------------------------------<BR/>2011</LINK> - The Sudden Turning Point - <LINK HREF="<LINK HREF=""></LINK>"><LINK HREF="</LINK><BR/>-------------------------------------------------------------------<BR/>SOS"></LINK><BR/>-------------------------------------------------------------------<BR/>SOS</LINK> - <LINK HREF="<LINK HREF=""></LINK>"><LINK HREF="</LINK><BR/><BR/><BR/><BR/><BR/><BR/>"></LINK><BR/><BR/><BR/><BR/><BR/><BR/></LINK><BR/>============================================================================================<BR/>This entry is created using Plain Text and the new system.<BR/>Lest I forget Silver Surfers need to be warned that there are those among who do not like old people to wander off into the past. I have no idea why this should be but one researcher in particular reacts somewhat violently to talk of old times. One reasearcher in particular is possibly the true pillock of h2g2. He calls himself <LINK HREF=" <LINK HREF=""></LINK>">*swl - sulking*</LINK> Click on his name to go to his space.<BR/>With little or no provocation he posted :-<BR/>Front Line Service ?<BR/>Post: 16 - Posted Yesterday by swl - sulking<BR/>AB - Once again we have the spectacle of one of your long-winded whinges. This time you decided to spread it out in instalments. Instead of the "What happened next" balls, why not have your whinge and the accompanying appeal for sympathy in one post and get it over with instead of cluttering up Ask H2G2 with your "Eebagum, it wasn&#39;t like this when I were a lad, this used to be all fields, I&#39;m 103 you know" bilge? Actual Thread :- F19585?thread=8112094 <BR/>===================================================================================================================================<BR/>

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