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A sport that everyone with an ounce of adventure should try. By strapping a board made of various layers of wood, fibre glass and carbon, to your feet and going to the top of the highest mountain finding some deep snow, and dropping off the edge.

For the best conditions look for the "powder" a term for deep snow, two to three feet is the best depth. The best of the powder is found off piste away from the main runs (leave the main runs to the Skiing)

People who ski tend not to like snowboarders as they were around and feel that the slopes belong to them. Snowboarders do tend to take more risks and with risk comes collisions, usually with a skier. I myself have no problem with skiers, all I can say is look how much fun a snowboarder has.

Everyone must try Snowboarding, one holiday and your hooked. Try skiing first as once you learn to snowboard you will never go back.

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