Fun to be had at Job Centres in the United Kingdom

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There is an amusing new game that is available to play at most Job Centres throughout the United Kingdom. Maybe you would like to try a game of 'Already Taken' next time you have to go to 'sign on'.

The basic rules are :-

1. You examine the job vacancies boards

2. You find a card that may just be of interest to you

3. You make a note of the reference number and go to the information desk.

4. Although there will be no-body at the desk and there is not a queue waiting there, you will wait and this is where the fun part comes into play. Time how long they make you wait until someone from the staff in the Centre decides to deal with you.

5. Cheerfully quote the reference number from the card and watch as the member of staff taps it into the computer.

6. The member of staff will then inform you 'I'm sorry but that job has already been taken'. They will make no apology for either keeping you waiting so long or wasting your time by not removing the card from the boards when the vacancy was filled.

So, maybe someone could explain why the damn card is on the boards then, why you waste 20 mins of your time waiting to be seen only to be told that job isn't available and finally, why nobody who works for the Employment Service can check the boards and take the 'filled vacancies' off.

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