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country in the middle east, asia, although thinks it's part of europe, america. has about 6,000,000 citizens (one of them is yours faithfull).

a really odd country. many people admire it for how it managed to stay independent with all those hostile neighbors and yet many people hate it because of the way it treats the citizens of those hostile neighbors. it's scientests and high-tech companies discover somthing new and important (ok, not important but at leaste new) very often, but it's poloticians are considered the most uninteligent in the world (even by the israelies them selves.)
tries to have good connections with every nation around (russia, india, jordan, and mainly the usa) and manages to get on the nerves of everyone around (russia, india, jordan, and esspecialy the usa. mote-this list was only the countries annoiyed by us in the past year.)
it's people try to be as american as possible and yet they're proud about the fact that the americans are much worse in many ways.
helps nations in trouble (kenya, south america after mitch, kosovo refugees and i assume somemore) but are full of glee.
israel is like the little brother\sister of your friend, the one who tries to be nice but manages to get on you nerves every single time you meet. you have pitty for it because of the wars it has to go through just like you have pitty for the little kid who gets beet-up time and time again. on the other hand, you'd like to beat it up yourself sometimes.
there are reasons why this country is so confused-
it's in between continants and never really know which one itbelong too. their army is strong and yet they're not a country you'd bet on to stay as it is much longer.
note-the author of this "article" is an israeli himself. he's also a human, with feelings, who will be pinched if he is pinched. please have mercy, for this is my first article.

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