Created | Updated Nov 2, 2009
To clench your guts and rip your fear apart
To dance in the silent waves of sound
Where reason meets madness reefs
Edging the balance
Coordinating thoughts , building bridges
To overcome the unveiled roughness
That is inflicted upon our lives
As tests , time projects to be trapped in our pasts
Haunting us as memories to cry at
Regrets we keep to ourselves
Because our pride forbids us to reveal
The most human side of a person's character
As this epiphany comes close to an end
You climb up the hilly road
In complete devotion to a faint hope
Of rising to a better image of this world's illusions
To conquer our own fears of self destruction
Sweeping the floors with our lost dreams
And faint dignities
Wasted hearts to objects of our suppressed unrealistic approaches
In leading a well balanced life
Is it this or is it that
Again laughter broke the silence so swiftly
Announcing the lead of our irony to that of our agony
Chancing our dents , leaps and fests to patience
Keeping us fit and able to fight what others like to call the good of a fight
Whether it’s the good or the bad , it isn't a judging match
Its our mere faith to be challenged
The connection between the three layers creating the person
That's within us though we completely choose to ignore
The Me, myself, and I...