A Conversation for Design for a New Peer Review System

Workshop Clean-Up

Post 1

Monsignore Pizzafunghi Bosselese

As of today, there are 347 threads in the Workshop.

These consist of:
08 - move to /Askh2g2 or /feedback
34 - more suitable as journal entry (IMHO)
02 - awaiting moderation
04 - 'hidden because it contravened...'
10 - Sin Bin (no entry specified)
05 - entry deleted by author
11 - thread duplicate in WW
48 - entry already recommended or edited
19 - has sibling thread on Peer Review
06 - h2g2 humour/fiction section
03 - humour, taken from elsewhere on the web
02 - should be part of a h2g2 University Project
06 - Update HQ
05 - scouted smiley - smiley
161 ( = 61%) threads which should *not* be there.

The rest consists of (in my opinion, of course):
10 - very close to finished
40 - rudimentary, need *much* more work
136 - ( = 39%) 'real' Workshop or Flea Market threads

To sum it up: three out of every five WW threads should be moved to other places. Any researcher hoping to get feedback from the WW must be very lucky to be *found* in the first place. I really wouldn't (that is, I *won't* ) advise anyone to put their piece in the Workshop.

Ok, the new system will take its time to materialise. For the meantime, could I ask for some brave soul at the Towers to sacrifice an hour or two for improving the WW statistics by removing at least the duplicates, siblings and recommended ones?

When these 79 threads leave the Workshop, the odds will change to 50/50 smiley - smiley

A complete clean-up would leave some 130 threads there, and we could perhaps forget about the Flea Market smiley - winkeye


Workshop Clean-Up

Post 2

Monsignore Pizzafunghi Bosselese

Arrrgh. I shouldn't try doing maths on a weekend smiley - sadface. The percentages were calculated without the 10+40=50 threads in the 'other' group.

Workshop Clean-Up

Post 3

Mark Moxon

Hi Bossel.

Sorry for the delayed repply (see other Conversation for my excuses!).

Sure thing - I can give cleaning up the Workshop a go. I would need a list of the thread numbers that fall into each of your categories above, if you have them (I presume you do as you've managed to count them up), and then I can move the relavant threads with an appropriate message. I'd have to set up a bunch of new Forums to hold them, broadly following the ones mentioned in the Peer Review proposal, but it's not a huge job if you can send me the thread IDs.

You know my email address - if you'd like to drop me an email, that'd be fine. I'm not due for any more holiday until September, so I should be around!

Workshop Clean-Up

Post 4

Monsignore Pizzafunghi Bosselese

Ok, the mail with the doubles, bin-bound, and edited/recommended ones should be in your in-box now smiley - smiley

I can post the Humour and Journal part right away. However, these moves should perhaps be done after a word with the authors. Simply moving them away could appear somewhat blunt I'm afraid.

Workshop Clean-Up

Post 5

Lonnytunes - Winter Is Here

Bossel, if you have any more spare time, my back lawn needs mowing smiley - bigeyes

Workshop Clean-Up

Post 6

Monsignore Pizzafunghi Bosselese

Great! I'll be there if you pay the tickets smiley - winkeye

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