A Conversation for Design for a New Peer Review System

'recommended' entries

Post 1

Monsignore Pizzafunghi Bosselese

How do I know when an entry has been recommended? With the new Recommending Button in place, I (as a Scout) don't see the recommending/approval itself any more, as there's no posting to the eGroup any more. If I'm not subscribed to the PR thread then I don't see the Editors' posting to it, and the /guide/ComingUp page is empty as of this writing.

I'd like to have something that shows me which ones have been recommended during the last few days please smiley - grovel


'recommended' entries

Post 2

Mark Moxon

Currently you can't. smiley - sadface However we are going to automate the ComingUp page so it does show this information dynamically.

In the meantime, as soon as entries are recommended, they disappear from Peer Review, so the wait for thread moving has gone. So if something is in Peer Review, you can recommend it, and if not, you can't.

Not perfect - but we're getting there. smiley - smiley

'recommended' entries

Post 3

Monsignore Pizzafunghi Bosselese

Happily looking forward to that smiley - smiley

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