A Quick Note on Fairy Tales

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Fairy tales are evil. They all have major themes that really should make children soil themselves rather than gurgle in delight. Take for example the story of Little Red Riding Hood. The wolf eats the poor innocent grandmother. She may be a secondary character but she doesn't deserve that. Then it tries to eat Little Red Riding Hood, before she runs off to get the woodcutter who promptly chops its head off. Nice.

Another good one is Rumplestiltskin, who steals babies. People wonder why babies cry a lot. People also wonder what makes psycho killers, and here I think we have an answer.

It's not just fairy tales; nursery rhymes do it too. The cradle falls out of the tree, Jack and Jill fall down the hill and the three blind mice get their tales chopped off. Not really appropriate stuff for babies. The whole thing needs a writing system.

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