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A game of two, erm, innings! (Nearly slipped into halves there.) One man stands at a crease, holding in his hand a bat
(a big stick with a funny shaped head.) Another man will run from the other end, clutching in a variety of different ways,
a ball, which he will then proceed to sping, swing or 'move off the seam.' The man with the ball has the aim of trying
to hit the stumps (three more sticks with another two balanced on top), or tempting the man with the big stick to hit the
ball and one of the other men standing around idley picking their noses to catch it. The only aim for the man with the
big stick is to hit the ball without it being caught and then run. The game largely involves the man with the big stick
leaving and re-entering the crease, and also patting down the rough with his stick.

The only question this begs is was the game created by sexually frustrated men, or just those that felt it was better to
play with each other rather than women. (The dirty creatures who aren't allowed in the Long Room at Lords.)

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