A Conversation for The Unofficial H2G2 Lurkers Society
Otus Nycteus Started conversation Aug 16, 2005
...just long enough, against his better judgement, but unable to resist the call of those piercing eyes and mesmerizing eyebrows, to ask for inclusion in the UHLS...]
Can I join, please?
[Slips back into the shadows, furtively awaiting an answer]
Becerikli Posted Aug 16, 2005
Hi Nite Owl!
First of all, and I don't mean to be rude, but your nickname kind of brought a smile to my face. Did you know that "otus" is a Finnish word, and it means "creature"? Sort of fitting for a Nite Owl..
Secondly, you're most welcome to join. You can check, your name stands nicely in the list with the lot of us. Welcome to the club!
Otus Nycteus Posted Aug 16, 2005
Thanks, Rupert
No, I didn't know about the Finnish meaning. for that. 'Otus' is the Latin name of a genus of owls, and 'nycteus' is derived from the Greek word for 'night'. A biology study is never completely wasted...
[s off to download the badge]
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