A Conversation for The Unofficial H2G2 Lurkers Society
My ACE said...
night-eyes Started conversation Jul 25, 2005
that if I have been lurking even BEFORE I became a h2g2 member I am qualified to join the lurking club!
May I? May I? May I?
I am ready with a bribe!
My ACE said...
Ivan the Terribly Average Posted Jul 26, 2005
One day, our chief lurker Rupert will appear and add you to the list... In the meantime - Welcome!
My ACE said...
Becerikli Posted Jul 26, 2005
Hi night-eyes!
Yes, it's one day now. You can stop jumping now, please, I'm getting all dizzy. The reason I didn't welcome you right away was because I want to welcome people in the order they posted in. I'm strange, I know. But in a good way (most of the time, anyway
A warm welcome to the club!
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My ACE said...
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