A Conversation for The Unofficial H2G2 Lurkers Society
Frequent Lurker
hellboundforjoy Started conversation Feb 25, 2004
Occational Poster.
I would like to join the Lurkers forum.
Frequent Lurker
hellboundforjoy Posted Feb 25, 2004
Excuse me, I meant Lurkers Society. My cookies are missing and it is confusing me.
Frequent Lurker
hellboundforjoy Posted Mar 4, 2004
Thank you so much. BTW I've been posting a bit more lately. Is there any threshold above which one no longer qualifies for the Lurkers Society? Must I cut back?
Frequent Lurker
Becerikli Posted Mar 4, 2004
Well, if you get positioned before the researcher with most postings on the Info page I might frown upon it a little but a will distract me.
No need to cut back, there's more to lurk for others then.
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Frequent Lurker
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