A Conversation for The Unofficial H2G2 Lurkers Society

i wanna join!!

Post 1

Researcher 228969

hiya!!ive been an unofficial lurker 4 a while thought id get put on the list n get the badge at the same !!do u do a t-shirtsmiley - smileysmiley - winkeyethanx smiley - love lushyxx

i wanna join!!

Post 2

Researcher 228969

godddd how much code do u have to write 4 that badge ill do that another day smiley - smileybye 4 nowxxx

i wanna join!!

Post 3


Hi 228969!

Yeah, there's a bit of code but not too much, me thinks. smiley - smiley Sorry about the very long delay but now you're on the List with the rest of us. Welcome!

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