A Conversation for The Unofficial H2G2 Lurkers Society
let me lurk with you!
Primord Started conversation Apr 25, 2002
errrr, I don't really lurk-I just sometimes can't manage to post answers to threads-so does that make me a lurker??? dunno-but I'd like to think of myself as one---it's a name!
let me lurk with you!
Becerikli Posted May 2, 2002
Umm.. You read posts, don't you? Nobody really knows *exactly* which posts you read, do they? You don't reply to every single thingie you read, do you? Didn't think so. You're a lurker, sweetie, there's no escaping that. By the power invested in me by.. well, me, I'd like to warmly welcome you to our club!
let me lurk with you!
Primord Posted May 2, 2002
many thanks!
(I like to belong-lurking sounds and )
all round-but, shhhh! becareful with the cork-someone might hear!
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let me lurk with you!
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