A Conversation for The Unofficial H2G2 Lurkers Society
im new to this
LADY-RED Started conversation Apr 24, 2002
hi all im new to this and can only lurk cos
i dont really quite know what im
doing yet
if anyone would like to help me out then
give us a shout
im new to this
Becerikli Posted May 2, 2002
Sorry it took me a bit long but I finally managed to find the time to do a bit of updating.. Welcome to our little club!
Quite frankly, does any of us *really* know what we're doing? Mostly I'm just making it up as I go along. If there's anything you'd like me to help you with, don't hesitate to ask. Share and enjoy!
im new to this
LADY-RED Posted May 8, 2002
hi there ...
thanks for replying,ive found myself lurking alot latly,h2g2 seems to be a very lonely place
my "who's online"doesnt work cos im on a set top box not a pc
so i cant find out who's about so im stuck in limbo,
anyway if you click on my personal space youll find out all about me
its not much but im a nice person looking to make new friends
anyway chat soon joxx
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