Cell Church

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To explain the whole cell thing for those not aversed in the ways of the Cell church structure. I am a bit fuzzy on whose idea it all was but it is becoming quite popular over here in the UK and in other countries as well.

The whole idea is to structure the church in such a way as to make it very easy to grow and accept new people into the church. It also provides a good way of organising small evangelistic and social events.

Basically intead of House/Home groups you have cells! The cells are the church not the big sunday meetings. Most events be it social, part social part evangelistic or all out evengelism is done through the cells. The structure allows for non christians to come along to a cell without it being totally threatening and just for church folks. (Home groups used to be more like support groups for church members).

The idea being when the group reaches about 15 members it is divided in half and two new cells are born. Hence the church grows in a group structure and not just in a large meeting format.

New people are encouraged as soon as possible to come along to cell meetings and it is compulsory to be a member of a cell if you wish to become an offical church member!

My cell is very good. Mainly because of the pepople that go along. I have never met a more down to earth set of Christians. Very friendly, welcoming and genuinely care.smiley - hug

The Cell Meeting Structure

We split our cell time into 4 W's:

  • Welcome - Silly game thing
  • Worship - Self explanatory
  • Word - Go over notes from the sermon the sunday before
  • Works - Discuss events and pray for anyone and everything
  • Coffee - Yes I know that does not begin with W but it is important!

I am not sure that explains it that well.

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Cell Church UK

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