Flying into and Travelling in San Francisco

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The first thing you should know about San Francisco International Airport (henceforth referred to as SFO) is that it is not actually IN The City, but rather about 10 miles south.

{Referring to SF as The City is quite common, in fact, while you are in the area, if you walk into a store in Oakland or Berkeley or San Jose (all fairly major cities in their own right) and ask for a map of "the city", there's a quite good chance that that map will be of San Francisco. Do NOT under any circumstances call it Frisco.}

Coming into SFO is quite an experience; the airport was never meant to sustain the loads it carries now, and due to this, there are two adjacent runways. When there is low visibility (read: fog) what they call "Flow Control" goes into effect, and only one of these runways is used at a time, effectively crippling flight operations. This happens distressingly often. Fortunately, United is the only airline silly enough to use this place as a hub.

If you are flying into the domestic terminal, you will arrive on the second floor. (as in, with one story between you and the ground) The arrivals lounge is downstairs on the first floor, as is baggage claim. The parking garage access is next down, underground. The International terminal is likely the same. If you are not renting a car at the airport, taking a taxi or being met, your best bet is probably Caltrain; see for details on that. If you are being met or taking a taxi, simply let your driver know where you're headed to and relax. If you are driving into the city, upon exiting the airport, make for 101 North. If you're reading this, you obviously have internet access; using a mapping service and plotting your route is a very good idea.

Getting around in San Francisco:

The local subway, the BART, operates on the following basis, theoretically: you look up current station and destination on a chart, you insert that amount of money into a machine, it spits out a card with an amount printed on it, you use that card to pass through gates and enter the platform area. In reality, the chart will likely be damaged or missing, the machine may malfunction, and the amount on the card will most likely be illegible. There are relatively few BART stops in the city, but if you wish to see some of the outlying cities and suburbs, it is a quite cheap and fast way to do that; outside of The City it mostly runs as an elevated train.

The local busses, the MUNI, are quite numerous and quite frequent. Usually at stops, a map is posted with complete (and complex) route information. Your fare will be 35 cents if you're 17 or under and 1$ if you're 18 or above.

Areas of San Francisco:

You should have a map by now; here is a quick guide to some of the areas listed. Bear fair warning that a topographical map of San Francisco is not to my knowledge printed; two innocent looking points an inch apart can conceal a quite large hill between them.

Market Street slashes diagonally across the east side of the city; along it is the main business district. Near the Powell street BART/MUNI stop, there's a Virgin megastore, aka a shirne to consumerism. South of Market is a bad area - refrain from venturing there, especially after dusk. North of Market, a little in from the coast, is Chinatown. This is a GREAT place to eat. It is almost impossible NOT to find cheap, delicious, and authentic Chinese cuisine. Farther north, you will find North Beach. What I said above goes here, except applied to Italian food. Be careful of Broadway; it houses some rather questionable establishments. Farther north, you'll reach Fisherman's Wharf. It is RIFE with tourist traps; I tend to trust little hole in the wall eateries. The Alcatraz tour is wholeheartedly recommended.

Near where the Presidio used to be, you will find what I consider to be one of the best reasons for visiting the City: the Palace of Fine Arts and the Exploratorium. If you have a taste for science at all, the Exploratorium will be your personal Mecca. Also, here is the Golden Gate Bridge.

In the footsteps of SFO being nowhere near the City proper, Golden Gate Park is quite a way from the Golden Gate Bridge, in the west side of the city. While you're in the area, do NOT miss the opportunity for a walk down Haight street, and try not to wince at the GAP that sits at the corner of Haight and Ashbury. And buy some sourdough while you're here. Even if you think you don't like sourdough. Much like having bagels in NYC, you have not had sourdough until you've had it in San Francisco.


The summer in SF could be mistaken for some other places in late fall; but when the fog burns off, it can get very hot. The outlying cities and towns are very hot during the height of summer, and Indian Summer hits with a vengence in September and October. It is very rare to have freezing temperatures, except maybe in the middle of the night once or twice during the winter. Honestly, SF has two seasons: foggy and not foggy. Elsewhere in the area, figure on mild winters but severe summers.

The Area:

The San Francisco Bay Area is huge and varied. Berkeley, Oakland, Hayward, Fremont, San Jose, Palo Alto, Daly City, and Santa Clara all have their unique sights and characters. If you're in Fremont, eat at the Pizza Depot - best pizza on the face of the planet. Take a look inside the Fry's Electronics, but for the love of God don't buy anything. Heading down 880 in the East Bay, stop off in Union City at Alvarado street and try a Krispy Kreme donut or wander through Borders for a few hours. Go down Highway 1 and watch the sunset at Half Moon Bay.


Aw, going home already? Well, flying out of SFO, remember to call ahead and if your flight IS going out on time, arrive at LEAST an hour and a half early. If there's that fog thing (and this is San Francisco, so there's a good chance), flights are delayed and cancelled wholesale. There is very little unsecured territory, so I shouldn't need to tell you to get inside the secured area as fast as possible. If you're flying domestic United or American (Gates 60-90), you want the North Terminal, if not, the South Terminal.

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