Working in a pub

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People in England see working in a pub as a great idea for the following reasons:-

1) extra spending money
2) to meet people and gain a far greater social life
3) to build a sucessful career
4) to fulfil a romantic ideal that every Englishmans dream is to own their own pub
5) to sustain an alochol addiction

Most people fail in all of these areas, except for possibly no. 2 where you do indeed meet people (unfortunatley they are aoften drunk or scary and often both) and number 5 (Though this is normally only a short term answer)

A summary of the pitfalls is as follows

1) Extra Spending money

i) Most pubs will only pay minimum wages
ii) There is often a social life around and after working which normally involves drinking, take away meals and taxis, normally costing far more than a nights wages
iii) pub work isn't always exciting and staff will often put money in fruit machines, juke boxes, pool tables and buy drinks just to stay awake
iv) there a is a rumour that people buy you drinks - this is rarely the case and if they do buy you a drink most people want to see you drink it - no extra money earned there (the only advantage to this this is if you fall in to Category 5 - to sustain an alcohol addiction)

2) Meeting new people

i) in a busy pub you will never get to chat to the passing drinkers
ii)the only people who talk to bar staff in pubs are lonely people who like to drink and tell you there problems or regulars who may entertain you for a while, but once they've told their new joke to all the other regulars 15 times you would quite happily kill.
iii)if you work in a bar you become the "friend" of regulars who if you didn't work there, you would cross the street to avoid - they will come and speak to you whenever they see outside of the pub and treat you like a long lost friend - they will expect you to attend their parties and be highly offended if you don't - they will find out things about you not even your mother knows.

3) building a career

i) see all of the above and then go to work in a head office - this is where the money is made
ii) if you manage a pub it can become your entire life with everyone knowing everything about you
iii) relationships are often strained and many couples split under the pressure
iv) local crims will often take a great interest in your activities and want you to assist them in your activities
v) drunk people often turn violent - people working for reasons 1 & 2 will want nothing to do with this and leave it to you to sort it out
vi) you may want to have children - do you want to bring them up in a pub enviroment

4) To fulfil every Englishmans dream of owning a pub

i) see all of the above
ii) most pubs don't make a lot of money and a lot of people go bust - be careful

5) to maintain an Alchol Addiction

If you must do this then just go for it - but be prepared to change jobs every 2 weeks as it really doesn't work

In summary there are lots of pitfalls to working in pubs - but thousands of people do - and some of them keep doing it and do it very well - just be careful and be prepared to change pubs if you aren't happy.

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