Islington Resteraunts

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Part of the Guide To Islington.

Islington has many top-nosh resteraunts to choose from.


Part of the large chain, Nandos is primarily a fried-chicken resterant and take away. Recently opened in Upper Street, Nandos is a bit frantic at the moment, but getting lots of custom. Operating as a slightly more up-market version of Kentucky Fried Chicken or similar fast food places, Nandos does operate a table service for eat-in customers, but you still have to order at the counter. A token offering of veggie burgers (for those insistant vegetarians) and sweetcorn are the only items besides chicken on the menu. Chicken comes as either a whole or half chicken, or chicken wings, in either Medium, Hot or Very Hot. Considering Medium is pretty spicy, beware of going for Very Hot unless you know what you are letting yourself in for. The chicken at Nandos is very tasty, if a bit messy, with plenty of spices and flavouring on the skin.


Strada, an Italian Pizza & Pasta resteraunt, makes a big deal of its wood-fired oven. The wood fuel, taken from sustainable sources, the menu assures, apparantly adds to the flavour and authenticity of the food. Whether true or not, the pizzas at this resteraunt certainly taste superb and accurate re-create the Italian style. The pizzas themselves are huge and arrive on an equally massive plate. Fear not though, these pizza are not the doughy kind you get in Pizza Hut and Deep Pan, they are made on traditional Italian thin bases, and so are just about manageable. The toppings are generous and full of flavour. Though featuring Italian table staff, the resteraunt itself fits in more with the modern minimalistic Islington style, with khaki-green walls and wooden bench tables. Also on the menu are some lovely sparkling wines and Italian beers. The only slight disapointment is the garlic bread, which, though more garlicy than the standard fare, was minimal and resembled a single slice of toast more than anything else.

Pizza Express

Here's what one researcher has to say about the Pizza Express in Islington: A379730.

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