Astral Travel
Created | Updated Jan 28, 2002
Unfortunately, for most people willing to accept this idea the only true ways to connect youself to the astral plain with any sort of certainty seemed to be through meditation (which required skill), a "mediator" (which requires trust, which is almost un-heard of), or mind bending and highly illicit substances (which require either a hospital, a mortuary or a lawyer). That is unless one was exceedingly lucky and was able to travel through the various gateways whilst in their sleep.
Regardless of how one chooses to make the journey the "hippie" told us that once there we could speak to great (but very dead) figures in the earths history, movie stars and beings that live in other dimensions other than our own.
Various people tried and either failed or managed to be convinced usually by those people who provided rehabilitation services that it was all just a figment of their imagination, and so the practice was largely forgotten except by rogue school children with a crystal ball at really boring frat parties.
The birth of the corprate "hippie" or "alternative healer" brought new life into the subject of all things astral. Hence how I through wise and trusted friends of mine discovered my ability to be one of the lucky few who can actively travel and meet up with people while being in a state of sleep.
Over the course of the last few years I have come to meet various people both living and dead, some of whom I have met in later periods (the French call the occurance deja-vu). On one such journey I met the founder of this site, Douglas Adams. Now for those skeptics out there in web-land I have only this to say about my meeting. For starters it was a couple of weeks after Douglas had died so the event was not "fresh" in my mind. Also I live in Australia and therefore have never had the opportunity to meet him.
I didn't get much of a chance to talk to him initally, however he seems well (as well as can be expected for someone who is newly dead), he told me to exercise (I've always been over weight and I smoked for years) and he misses his friends and more improtantly his family very much.
In closing I will point out that I'm not some "wacco" nor do I make this entry out of dis-respect for Mr Adams or indeed his family. I just mentioned it because I thought people would want to know (particularly after reading some of his tributes) if he was o.k and also because it seemed fitting for the earth edition of The Hitch Hiker's Guide To The Galaxy.