Digimon/Pokemon Trivia Quiz

2 Conversations

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1. Recite the marching song Agumon made up.
2. Who used voodoo dolls to control the digidestined?
3. Who wants to trade for a pink digivice?
4. What game does Davis wonder is on his digivice?
5. What is Yolei's price for computer repair?
6. How did Izzy meditate when under Vademon's control?
7. Name the two fictional pig digimon.
8. Where do the cradles in Primary Villiage come from?
9. Who helped the digidestined build the raft (all six of them)?
10. Which world was Mimi afraid they'd accidently go to through Myotismon's gate?
11. Name as many of the ten digimon keycards as you can.
12. What were the tags next to in the convenience store?
13. What doesn't Myotismon like about Gatomon?
14. How did Meramon and Frigimon help out when Joe and Mimi were hungry?
15. What do Numemon hide in?
16. Which digimon protect Myotismon's gate?
17. What color is the water outside Gennai's house?
18. What does Gennai feed his saltwater fish?
19. What was Izzy's logic for eating the food on Cokatreemon's ship?
20. Why couldn't Mimi pretend Palmon was a stuffed animal?


1. What is Misty's last name?
2. Why did Meowth learn to walk and talk?
3. What did James ride in the old cycle gang?
4. Name Ash's original six pokemon.
5. Why is Ash's hat so special?
6. What place did ash achieve in the indigo league competition?
7. Which school was James kicked out of?
8. Who did Misty think she was when she was hypnotized?
9. What was the prize in the contest on princess day?
10. What are the three things that Misty hates?
11. What does James collect?
12. What did Brock add to the food Prof. Ivy gave to Butterfree?
13. What is Togepi's attack?
14. How does Pikachu say 'Togepi'?
15. Why can't Brock wear the Mr. Mime costume?
16. How much time passes between appearences of Humunga Dunga?
17. What legitimate business enterprise was Team Rocket considering?
18. How did Melvin confirm Ash's hypnosis?
19. What does Bruno eat his stew with?
20. Who's maids had the day off on the same day?

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