A Conversation for Talking Point: Good or Bad by Design
Black pepper Grinders
Nonametraveller Started conversation Jul 10, 2001
Black pepper Grinders really cheese me off.It seems that no matter how much you spend on them,no matter how good they seem in the beginning within a very short space of time,sometimes days they barely work.
However last year i received an electric one which is still going strong and serving me well.Not only does it grind the pepper efficiently ,it also has a little light on the bottom which lights up the food nicely so that i can see exactly how much pepper i am putting on,perfect for candlelit dinners,which considering that i use candles every evening (electric light is too bright and harsh)makes it my handiest gadget.
Black pepper Grinders
Dan Posted Jul 10, 2001
Ooh! I've used one of those at a dinner party. Do you know who makes them and where you can get them? I know we shouldn't get involved in advertising on a BBC site but those are really sweet. And I totally agree about the manual version's clogability and general uselessness.
Black pepper Grinders
Nonametraveller Posted Jul 10, 2001
I wish i could help you but i am afraid it was a present,i do know that it came from England though so the next time i correspond with my benefactor i shall try and find out for you,actually i may even still have the box,i shall check.Noname
Black pepper Grinders
Researcher Burnetrose Posted Jul 12, 2001
Nooooo! Black pepper grinders are wonderful! They are a pleasure to use - the feel, the action, the sound, the result. They do need a little routine maintenance - cleaning out, re-filling - but that's not hard, and all part of the karma.
What gets me is WHITE PEPPER. Why oh why oh why oh why do eating places (in the UK anyway) insist on providing only white pepper, that powdery, tasteless, hot, nasty stuff that no one under the age of 70 uses?
Black pepper Grinders
Nonametraveller Posted Jul 13, 2001
well if you like the old type i guarantee you will like the new ones,they are made out of chrome (no Splinters) and they even have batteries.....
I could not agree more about the white pepper though.If that is the case in English restaurants...well...i think you should form an anti white pepper union and boycott all the establishments that don't provide a decent selection of condiments.
Black pepper Grinders
Nonametraveller Posted Jul 13, 2001
well if you like the old type i guarantee you will like the new ones,they are made out of chrome (no Splinters) and they even have batteries.....
I could not agree more about the white pepper though.If that is the case in English restaurants...well...i think you should form an anti white pepper union and boycott all the establishments that don't provide a decent selection of condiments.
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Black pepper Grinders
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