Common Sequences - THE ANSWERS

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OK - Sorry for the delay! Here's the answers to put you out of your misery!

01 - OTTFFSSENT - Numbers from One to Ten

02 - MVEMJSUNP - Planets - Mercury to Pluto

03 - JFMAMJJASOND - Calendar Months - January to December

04 - MMLJ - The Evangelists - Matthew, Mark, Luke and John

05 - ROYGBIV - Colours of the Rainbow - Red to Violet

06 - ATGCLVLSSCAP - Signs of the Zodiac - Aries to Pisces

07 - HHLBBCNOFN - Periodic Table Elements - Hydrogen to Neon

08 - JPGR - The Beatles - John, Paul, George & Ringo

09 - HTQF - Divisions - Half, Third, Quarter, Fifth

10 - ABGDEZET - Greek Alphabet - Alpha, Beta, to Theta

11 - VEGEGE - Queens and Kings of England - Victoria to Elizabeth

12 - RTEKJNFCRBCB - Presidents of the USA - Roosevelt to Bush

13 - DRMFSLTD - Musical Scale - Do Re Me...

14 - MMMMLSBAS - Olympic Cities - Munich to Sydney

15 - BBEBGAIAGBF -World Cup Champions - Brazil to France

16 - TSPHHOND - Shapes - Triangle, Square, Pentagon...

17 - THTMBT - Ten, Hundred, Thousand, Million, Billion, Trillion

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