Stoner Rock

2 Conversations

I guess if you are here, you know what stoner-rock is already, and if you know that, there is no point in my writing this, but nevermind, I suppose I wil have to explain for those who stumbled across this accidentally....(and if you like stoner-rock, your short-term memory is probably dodgy to say the least..)

Stoner-rock is, as you may have guessed, guitar-based rock music, frequently played by stoners. It is heavy music, with an extremely overdriven, distorted sound plus lots and lots and lots of bass. This give stoner-rock a HUGE sound. Generally, stoner-rock bands give less time to vocals, and more time to the actual music, many songs having massive jam sessions. Vocals, when they do appear, are usually rough sounding, but sound absolutely perfect against the music.
Lyrics tend to be....weird to say the least, probably due to the weed most bands smoke and the huge open spaces of the desert that surround them. The lyrics are usually relating to cosmic or celestial goings-on.

I guess you could say stoner-rock is the last bastion of experimentation outside of electronic music. In stoner-rock you can hear the roots of blues-based hard rock layed down by Black Sabbath over twenty years before.

Stoner-rock is a sound from the desert. The first stoner bands, generally regarded as Kyuss and Fu Manchu(more about them later), came from the Californian Desert, having perfected their music by playing parties in the desert using generators.

<I will do more later, hold on..>

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