top 15 Fantasy Authors.
Created | Updated Jan 28, 2002
The greatest of fantasy authors, in my humble opinion are,
1) Douglas Noel Adams, may the his name be held in the light, did write some fantasy, even though most of his writing was science fiction. Since he was the greatest writer who ever picked up a pen, he belongs on this list.
2) J.R.R. Tolkien, has yet to be truly surpassed in his own realm
3) Robert Jordan, came close
4) Terry Brooks, excelent plot. excelent charecters
5) Joel Rosenburg, is simply a good author. love the D&D put in there
6) Terry Goodkind, yes its long, but then, so is the Wheel of Time
7) Terry Pratchett. Terribly funny. and its good as fantasy too.
8) C.S. Lewis. good writing, but way too christian for my taste
9) Margeret Weis, of coarse her best stuff is written with
9) Tracy Hickman, since the two can't be seperated
10) Orson Scott Card, for Alvin Maker
11) Anne McAfry, Lady of the Dragons
12) Raymond Feist. good writing. not enough wit though.
13) The guys that wrote the Old Testiment. Nuff said.
14) The Guys that wrote the New Testiment. it was good, but not as funny as the first one.
15) J. K. Rowling. Ok they're kids books. that doesn't make them bad
Please contribute any changes/additions... I need some fresh reading material :-) I'm bored