Lucinda's Pad

4 Conversations

Lucinda | MyRedDice | Martin | myre | Xanthia | Flags | Graveyard | What's This?

A long-haired lady rising from a starlit lake

Hi! Come on in, and tuck into the smiley - choc and smiley - cake. Take a seat on the inflatable sofa thingy - or a beanbag if you're after something more stable, and grab something to drink. Let me just put some nice background music on - is Savage Garden ok by you? When I'm a little less upbeat, I listen to the soundtrack of Ally McBeal - that's real music to cry to, that is. The world all gets a bit much, from time to time - that's what friends are for, right? smiley - smiley

Anywhichwhat, I'm Lucinda. How're you doing? Having fun on h2g2? I hope so - that's what it's here for, after all! smiley - biggrin Me, I'm an 18yr old blond smiley - kiss slut, and flirt with everyone, just because it's fun. I plan to stay that age - I am certainly not going to grow old - I refuse! You might notice that the body I'm in is somewhat male, should we ever meet - if that's a problem, you can call me Martin's feminine side - that which every 'New Man' should have. Certainly, Xanthia isn't competing for that title - she's about as feminine as a hurricane1... smiley - bigeyes myre, of course, is too busy to mind. And you know the best thing about being a girl? You get to *giggle* unashamedly!

Come Chat!

My 'purpose', though that's a rather mercenary way of looking at it, is to be nice, friendly, chatty, smiley - huggy, smiley - smoochy, and so forth. Oh, and ever-so-slightly vain too - I don't wear nailpolish for anyone else's benefit, that's for sure! smiley - biggrin That's my little bit of real life adornment, though not in front of parents, and not at work, generally. I've got about fifteen colours now, but I'm always after more. Wanna swap? smiley - winkeye So - if you wanna talk about something, drop me a line here, and I'll be happy to oblige!

I'm running a smiley - kiss stall, which is every kiss-slut's dream of course. Two virtual pence for a virtual kiss, two real pence for a real kiss. Or barter... or something... smiley - smooch

I'd like a <kiss>, Lucinda

Give me a ...

I'm also a somewhat inept mentor/counsellor. In fact, that's part of where I came from, as far as Martin can make out. We went to a course on mentoring and counselling for an organisation which was trying to provide 'co-pilots' for teenagers having problems with school and such. The organisation went bust, sadly, shortly after I went through the course smiley - blue. But the course required us to get a bunch of skills and attitudes that previously we just didn't have. It felt for some time thereafter that the ability was something we 'accessed', and eventually that grew into me! smiley - biggrin Plus the flirting and such, of course... smiley - winkeye

1Used to be, hurricanes were always given female names - not any more. Feminism has made many important changes, but that's one of the less critical, perhaps.

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