How to Survive Conventions, Part Three: Last Con

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Guide Entry Three

How to Survive Conventions, part three: Last Con.

It's rare that a fan gets to experience their first con, a bad con, and their last con all within the space of a few years. This past Memorial Day, I went to what will more than likely be my last convention. After some initial mishaps (three different cars leaving at three different times) we arrived safely at the Delta Orlando Resort, where the convention was being held again. It's a good idea to monitor the weather conditions before you head off...we didn't know that there were massive thunderstorms in the Orlando area before we left. Also, there were wildfires in the same area. Sunday morning was thick with smoke from the fires, but I digress.

My friend Rick was ill, so he went right to bed while I scoped out the convention room to see if they needed any help. They were about in the middle of setting up, but I didn't want to commit myself and not have Evy, who was arriving later with her friend, not know where I was. When she arrived, she and I went to the convention rooms and offered our services and were sent to the dealer's room where the T-shirts and other things would be sold. I started having flashbacks of the first con where it took the tribe a few hours to fold T-shirts...and this time 'round there were just the two of us. Luckily, however, we were told to set up the scripts and jewelry. It was around this time that our other group of friends arrived.

Here's a note from Evy about the dealer room: "Never stack shrink-wrapped scripts in a pile. ... We got rave reviews for our design." (She set the bloody thing up...I just followed her patterns.)

This time, we took several non-fan with us, all male. The biggest problems with bringing all male non-fans is that they were whining about being hungry and that we weren't hanging out with them.

1.) We were there to help Creation set up.
2.) We were in Orlando in the first place to celebrate Xena and its unfortunate passing.
3.) Whining gets us angry and frustrated with them because they didn't completely understand what we were doing.

After the first dealer room, we went back to the main room where the pictures and other trinkets were going to be sold. They had us set up the ropes and the autographed pictures...and the prop weapons. That was where I stationed myself: the autograph tables. Heeheehee All the while, the guys were breathing down our necks and threatening to leave us because we were doing what we went there to do.

We finished, Creation shooing us away lovingly, so we could get those guys out of their hair, and went to T. G. I. Fridays. (Keep in mind that restaurants DO close, so if there's a place you REALLY want to go to, call first to make sure they're still open.) We had a great time and thank God I had my camera there!!

Afterwards, we all went back to my hotel room and Evy, John and I curled up and watched Emperor's New Groove on John's portable DVD player while Rick slept and Evy's friend sat nursing a headache. Another good tip: if someone's bringing a portable DVD player or a VCR or whatever, make sure to know that ahead of time... I could have brought a whole bunch of good movies...even though Groove was the only one we watched. It's the thought that counts.

And another thing, about bringing VCRs. Hotels have gotten smarter about VCRs and such. The TV at the Delta would not let us play DVDs or tapes even though the equipment was all hooked up correctly. I think they're afraid that folks would go rent the movies they have on Pay-Per-View, thus making them lose out on money.

The first day of the con was...interesting. Evy's friend had elected to stay at a hotel about a mile from the convention and I only got about three hours of sleep in the room. I don't even know why because we weren't doing anything like watching TV. Just couldn't sleep. I was the first one up so I got some root beer and headed to the convention room. I was afraid that Evy wouldn't wake up on time, but when I called, she was up - a very good thing. She arrived shortly before eleven, when we were due there.

Here's another tip: remember the name of your contact in the convention. It'll make your life, and the security guard's job, a lot easier. Plus, I made friends with the security guard, so I got to sit inside the air conditioned room as I waited for my contact.

She came in and I told her who I was and why I was there and we all went into the big dealer's room. She told me that she wanted me with her at the autograph table - boy, was I happy with that arrangement. She told me that no matter what, I had to be back by the intermission, but after the initial rush, I could go play. Evy and her friend were stationed at the far side of the room from the door at the photo table.

We were allowed to buy pictures before the rush, so I went ahead and got the ones I really wanted and picked out the picture of Callisto I wanted Hudson Leick to sign for my friend Sarah who couldn't be there this year because she was sick.

The doors were opened around twelve. I was a bit slow to memorize the prices, but I managed. The best part about the job, other than getting to gently handle some of my favourite people's pictures, was when I got to hold the prop weapons. That was fun... The one I handled the most was Xena's sword, cuz everyone wanted to handle it, then I got to handle the sai. The ones I handled the least were the breast dagger and the chakram...but by the Gods, I made sure I at least touched them. The sword felt good, well-balanced, but SO not battle-worthy... The sai were way too light. The breast dagger seemed to be right and the chakram...well...that was just cool.

Around one o'clock, the convention got under way with videos and contests and stuff. Evy and I went to see the Pasadena convention videos and a couple of new music videos, then Gina Torres (Hel in Cleopatra 2525, Cleopatra in Xena, Nebula in Hercules) came out on stage.

She was a great guest, funny and personable, and one of the most incredible singing voices I had ever heard. Continually goosebump inducing. Most of what she said, however, couldn't leave the room. Sorry. ;)

Earlier in the day we were told that Vicki Pratt (Sarge in Cleo 2525, Cyane in Xena) couldn't make it to the convention. She was held up at Customs because her work visa had expired and the US wouldn't let her through. Poor thing...what really and truly sucks. Adrienne Wilkinson (Livia/Eve - Xena's daughter) agreed to fill in for her.

Before Adrienne was to go on, fan fiction writer Missy Good took to the stage. A bunch of us left and that's when I did my shopping, buying the gray Gabrielle hat, the red Gabrielle shirt and the Xena colouring book. From my experience, Missy's friendly and all that, but I don't like her work.

I went back to my station for the intermission and it was interesting watching the fans trickle in to once again ponder which autograph they were going to buy or were going to wait for the auction for. Once the news about Vicki Pratt was announced, many of the fans came to my table looking for Vicki Pratt autos...well, since she was scheduled to be there, there weren't too many of her, and I believe that all they had were of her as Sarge.

It was time for Adrienne to go on stage and I went ahead and went in to watch her with Evy and Rick. I don't like her character and I was hoping that something like what happened with Claire Stansfield would happen with Adrienne. Her appearance didn't really affect me. She was cute and funny, and she didn't like Eve, thank God, but I'm not compelled to go find her other works and watch them, as I am with Claire.

Needless to say, I didn't go get their autographs and I don't feel regret about it either. I, instead, tried to split my time between my station and watching the Creation-produced documentary of "Who's Gurkhan?" Here's another note from Evy: "...make sure Gina Torres hears you well before signing. If not, you'll end up with a 'b' in between 'E' and 'y'." That's a good rule even if your name isn't Evy. ;) Make sure the guest spells your name right...

After we ate dinner at the Cracker Barrel, we went to XS, a large arcade, and played video games. Evy and the rest of the group wanted to play Dance Dance Revolution all night, while Rick and I decided to go play real games for a while. Remember to take plenty of money with you to a convention...I didn't expect to go to an arcade where you pretty much have to buy a card with a certain amount of credits or time on it and it's like twenty bucks for the card. Whoopsies...luckily I had my check card on me.

The second day of the con was strange for me. It was the first time I had ever eaten breakfast alone. I went to sleep early the night before and was up way before I had to be at the con. I didn't buy my tickets in time to get tickets for the Charity Breakfast with Hudson Leick and Adrienne Wilkinson so I actually ate lunch in the hotel restaurant. Fifteen bucks for a bowl of cereal, some muffins and some potato thingies. Yikes!

During breakfast, I wrote in my Journal, trying to write down everything I could remember for when I made this Guide entry. Then I packed up my stuff, threw out my trash, and headed to the convention to wait for my contacts.

I sat with one of the Creation staffers while she ate lunch to keep her company. She spoke about how the Delta is going to remodel most of the hotel and the convention room around Memorial Day of next year (May 2002) and how Creation would like to come back to Orlando, but...I think they're just cautious because it's the end of the show. Twice the amount of people showed up on Sunday for the convention, but really they showed up to see Hudson Leick. She was the draw.

Sunday was pretty much the same except Rick came down from his room and volunteered with us (he came down to see Hudson, that was his reason for attending the convention). And he got to work at the Tomb Raider / Buffy: The Vampire Slayer / Farscape table. Evy and her friend showed up around the time the convention started and headed to their stations. The dealer room was busy constantly, but today, people showed up in costume. There were friendly faces among the crowd, people I knew from my first convention.

The first guest for the day was Adrienne Wilkinson. Rick, Evy and I stayed and watched her, then went back to our stations when Missy Good went on.

Then, there was Hudson. *thud* She came out in this very skimpy "mermaid faery on crack" outfit, but it just looked good on her. She then auctioned off the dress for a $1000, the proceeds going to the James Ellis Foundation, an organization to help kids with cancer, or kids whose parents have cancer, get an education. When she was in Pasadena, she auctioned off two dresses for $5000 a piece.

Poor Hudson was sick, but she was wonderful enough to come out and talk to us all anyway. She was funny and engaging with a healthy Evil Streak...but there was a moment when she dropped all pretense and wasn't being the Hudson she thought we all wanted and it was pure beauty in every respect. Chalk another one up for Ms. Hudson Leick...she got me on that day. She came around and sprinkled us all with faery dust and threw around Hershey's Kisses, trailed by a little helper, a mini Callisto from the audience. It was kinda funny, actually.

The autograph session was nice. I didn't get Adrienne's auto, but I took her picture with Rick, Evy and Evy's friend. I did, however, get two autographs from Hudson (one for me and one for Sarah), and offered her some Tylenol, which she gladly accepted, then went to sit and wait for the opportunity to have our picture taken with her. If you have to go back home the last night of the convention, make sure to leave yourself plenty of time after the autograph session for pictures with the guests and to get something to eat with the people you've spent the whole weekend with.

I was, and am, bummed that I never got a picture with Claire Stansfield (my friend Tim took one from the side while I was talking to her, but it wasn't a posed picture or anything.) I wasn't about to miss this opportunity when some Xenites behind us made comments towards us because they thought we were cutting in line when we were switching to the opposite side of our row. Ah well. Can't all be right.

I wish I had brought a better camera for while Hudson was on-stage. I've got my wonderfully dinky lil Minolta automatic with me since my really good Canon A-1 didn't take very good pictures at a distance, even with the zoom lens, so now all my pictures of Hudson on stage are so far away. If at all possible, when y'all go to a convention, get a really good camera!! Don't take those stupid APS cameras, they're horrible, 35 MM are the best. Digital are easier and can be the best.

Anyway, I've got my picture with's just too bad Rick didn't frame it better...there's a whole lotta wall beside us. Make sure the picture taker is good with cameras.

The photograph session ended and we all went back to my room briefly to say our good-byes to Evy and her friend as they had to leave that night and didn't plan on staying for photos or dinner... Then Dave and I went out to play pool and ended up talking with some Merpups (sometimes scary fans of Missy Good) and a member of Hudson's staff until seven Monday morning.

I said this before, in part one, but don't be afraid of the fans. The Merpups we hung out with were "pulsing, throbbing bulldykes" in their own words, but it was some of the most fun I've had in a while. The whole convention was something I was looking forward to the entire was my vacation, if you will, and now, I don't have that, just as there will be no more Xena.

I hope you have learned a lot from my adventures in the con trade. Happy hitchhiking!

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