The Soft Modem Story
Created | Updated Jan 28, 2002
the idea behined Soft Modems or WinModems as they are also known, is the fact that the hardware you conect to your computer isn't amodem at all, all it is, is a pice of hardware for conection to phone lines, the 'real' modem is the Driver or software, thats the reson they are so cheap, they don't need as much hardware to do the job. unfortunatly like most new inervations there is a downside:
1) You have to find specific modem drivers.
2) You can't use ANY Standard Drivers
3) The Modem uses the RAM and CPU to do all the work, so if you have a slow machine you have a slow conection
4) Most of these modems are incorprated into packages which means that the custemer dosn't know that he has one.
-- DoctorMO --