Top 5 Ways How Our Society Will Fail or How the World Will End (my opinion)

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1: Money, greed, ignorance.

The world runs on money. It's a constant competition for every company to have more customers than the other. They makes sales, deals, "buy one get one", etc. They cut these prices to make more people buy from their company because "to sell and make little money is better than not selling at all". This battle will go on forever until the prices are cut too much and the company fails. Cell phone companies are an excellent example.

2: Nuclear War

Nuclear Proliferation. The spread of nuclear weapons to smaller third world countries without the security means necessary to prevent them from falling into the hands of terrorist who have the religious zeal to use them.

3: Another Ice Age

This is something everyone is hopefully fond of: Greenhouse Effect. Most people believe that the world is going to end from a massive ball of fire, but I believe and was convinced, that an ice age is more probable. The O-zone layer will burn up, yes; it will make the earth warmer, yes; massive fire, not so much. The heat will simply melt the ice, like the ice in `Antarctica, for example. The freezing melted ice will spill into the oceans causing everything to become extremely cold and flooding the world thus killing off the human race.

4: WWH (World Wide Heartattack)

Fast food is a terrible place, trust me. I work at KFC with oily chicken. But hey, I’m a teenager with not much choice except to be broke, I’m not complaining, really. But the people I see come in there and eat...KFC is generally a great place, but seriously. McDonalds, Hardies, KFC, McDonalds, McDonalds, McDonalds, is discussing. I assume everyone has heard about the girl who tried to sew McDonalds for making her fat...what was she thinking? It'll be a funny yet sad way for everyone to die. (This one is very unlikely, course, just an idea)

5: Overpopulation

This also continues the Greenhouse effect as the more populated we become, the more pollution. Our natural resources will become almost impossible to find and there will be a fight for them, possibly a hands on mass murdering for these simple resources that we take for granted today.

Side note: Year of 2012
We’ve all heard about this but I don’t think it’s that reasonable. Actually I don’t know why I’m even typing it. They change in time and date doesn’t make the world end. It’s not as if the world says, “Oh! Looky here! I must combust at this time!” …Seriously.

Also, if you have any ideas to expand this, feel free!

or perhaps we'll have an alien invasion. ;)

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