Beginners Guide to the Unicycle

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Unicycling, a rich, rewarding sport though sometimes quite painfull. However if you do want to take up unicycling allow me to give you some helpfull advice, (believe me if I'd known this *before* I started I would have got quite so many grazes!).

Your First Unicycle

For a first unicycle try and get a second hand one, or a beginners unicycle, that may sound obvious but you'd be suprised how many people try to start on some 6 foot thing! A good bet is a small whell, though I started on a larger on (16 inch) it really depends on whether you want to do tricks (small) getting down to the shops, etc(big). If you're buying second hand first thing to do is look at the saddle I recomend a slightly "squidgy" one as the hard saddles can get quite uncomfortable. Also on the saddle check for wear on the outside rim on the bottom, if it's got quite roughed up it might irritate you, thought usually putting duct tape on it works. Apart from checking that nothing's too rusty and it has pedals that's pretty much it.

Getting Started

I'm not going to say you need oogles of protective clothing because quite frankly you don't although knee pads would be a good idea. The first thing you need to do is find somewhere to practise, you'll need a fair bit of space and either a wall or railings, also you don't want to try cycling on gravel, the smoother the better!

First Things First

How to get on, well later on you'll want to try a proper mount but for now get a passing friend/pedestrian/tree and pull yourself up, put your first foot on the bottom pedal and then your next foot.

Learn how to fall off... yes that does sound a bit strange but if you can fall off easily you can learn the rest, I'm going to tell you this first because otherwise you'll start trying to cycle before you can fall. The moment you feel the unicycle start to fall just lean forwards and let that motion take your feet off the pedals and the unicycle out behind you. Try this after you first get on a few times, believe me you'll be doing it a lot later. One important note, don't let your foot get caught over a pedal as you fall, I can't really describe it except to say make sure you go forwards and the uncicyle back otherwise when you start you could be in pain.

Cycling! Finally the bit you've been waiting for, if your a timid sort get someone (or two people) next to you, rest on their shoulders and slowly wobble your way forwards. However, that will take you a long time to learn that way and what I recomend doing is leaning forwards in the saddle and peddal as fast as you can, don't start leaning back otherwise you'll fall off. You'll see how this is one of the best ways as you get better, just try not to do it near any roads because the unicycle has a tendency of flying off.

Basically after you can ride without support in a straight line the rest will come to you, cornering is basically just shifting your balance. The only thing I can say is keep practising, you'll get better, it'll probably take a few weeks untill you're shocking old grannies and little kids on the way into town, but believe me it's worth it, (even if on almost every ride you're guarranted someone will say "Oy, I think your missing a wheel mate" *groan!*).

That's my first entry complete

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