
3 Conversations

Probably the most notable food stuff in this section of space-time. It is a regular miracle, corn. When it is removed from its growing stalk and fed to humans, it is a vegetable. When it is fed to animals or dried, only to be pulverized for some assorted corn processing, it becomes a grain. If you boil it in oil, which can be made of corn, it will explode into a light, fluffy, tasteless confection that serves no noticeable purpose other than to be soaked in butter and salted.

There is even a miniscule section of corn that become an alternate food stuff all it's own: the Grit. No one has been able to determine what the Grit is as yet. The best guess that scientists have come up with is that the Grit is an alternate value for the number 42.

Another notable fact about corn is its natural reconstitution. No matter how much it is chewn, it still seems to come out whole.

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