Texas A and M University at Commerce, USA

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The university lies in the town of Commerce, Texas about an hour northeast of Dallas. First and foremost, although the school has been swallowed up by the Aggie system in recent years, the people there are not Aggies. Referring to the natives as such may result in the offender getting to hear a wide range of swear words delivered in a slightly confusing eastern Texas drawl as well as a wide array of sneers. The school existed for over a century under various names, the most recent being East Texas State University until the mid 90's.

The Town of Commerce

Commerce is a town of about 8,000 locals and up to 8,000 students. Commerce at best can be described as a few nice areas, the school, and a lot of more "rustic" areas. It also seems to be the alcohol capital of the region. While many would link this to the hard-drinking student populace, it is a well-known fact that the locals enjoy their alcohol as well. How else could you explain a town of that size having its own Budweiser distributorship, about 6 liquor stores, and about 12 other locations in town where one can acquire a cold one. (not including restaurants) It's a rather compact little town, and outside of cheap golf, and events around the school, there's not a lot to do there. (Another reason for all the alcohol) The people are quite friendly and usually quite helpful. The town itself relies on the school for its very lifeblood and is usually quite nice to the students.

The School

The university sits right next to the main highway running through town. As own drives through it own notices a small pond, the campus itself, and in the distance something which resembles a blimp hanger. This is the Fieldhouse, the main gym on campus. Also as you get near Commerce you notice the only tall building in sight. This is Whitly Hall, a 12-story co-ed dorm. The rooms are ok for a dorm, and this is by far the best dorm on campus. The school itself has a very good photography department, a good business school, and what is considered one of the best education departments in the state of Texas.

Social Scene

There is a small but active Greek community on campus. (Sororities and Fraternities) But in a weird twist of fate, considering all the booze in town, there are only 1 1/2 bars in town. This is due to the ridiculous law that sets the drinking age at 21. The 1/2 is a sleazy little dance club called Little Bits that's basically open only on Thursdays. The BAR in town is The Junction. Not much to speak of, but on certain nights it isn't a bad place to find a female you may be willing to spend 2 hours of your life with. One important thing is that in Commerce the party night is on Thursday, rather than Friday like most other campuses. This is do to the fact that Commerce becomes a ghost town by 4 p.m. Friday to students going home to Dallas to guilt some older relative into doing their laundry.
The main scene is at the local parties. Of which the Delts seem to through the best. Since they can't charge admittance for men these are strictly BYOB affairs. (Bring Your Own Booze). The rule is not always enforced though. There is always free beer and the deceptively potent punch for the ladies though. A word about the women, Commerce is the land of average woman with a few bright spots. The women aren't ugly, but most aren't beautiful either. All in all at one of these parties a decent looking guy who acts right and has a cool accent should have little troubling finding a woman to hang around with. Where you go from there depends on the alcohol consumption of both parties, accommodations, religious views, and complementary anatomies.


Avoid the 2 fleabag motels in town on the main highway. Think of the Bates motel without the charm. Your best bet is the Bois D'arc Bed and Breakfast in town. It is a very nice hotel inside a stately old house. For those on a budget I reccommend finding Hubbell Hall. The place is a testament to the old philosophy of treating students like convicts, as is the cafeteria food. The deal is to park outside and go into the lobby and sleep on a couch. I by some reason someone asks you why you are doing this just tell them that your roommate is banging an ugly chick in your room, and you wanted to get as far away from that as possible. Do not use this excuse more than 2 nights in a row. (Everyone sobers up after 2 days) If you get a ticket for parking around the dorm without a school parking permit, simple take the ticket to the Security Office and explain that you are just visiting a friend, and they will void the ticket.

Best Time to Go

In late April the huge parties are in full swing, but the best time is in mid-Fall. The weather is bearable, and there are many incredibly nubile freshmen women flooding the campus. It is widely known here that nobody parties like freshmen woman, and at this time there are a couple of parties every week.

Enjoy, and good luck!

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