Finding your feet on h2g2
Created | Updated Jan 28, 2002
Firstly, please give yourself an imaginitive, but short, nickname. This will make you stand out. A post from 'Carbon-based Life' or whatever is more likely to be trusted than one from 'Researcher 1838695'.
Secondly, write a brief intro for your page. For 5 minutes of your time, this enables you to be welcomed by ACEs, found at . This enables us to help you out if you get stuck. It also gives people something to read if they want to know a little more about you.
Thirdly, take a look at all of the wonderful h2g2 smileys. To get a list, just type 'smileys' in the search box at the top of every page.
Fourthly, make sure that if you explore GuideML, anything that you write is legible in both Alabaster and Classic Goo. For example, avoid yellow as a colour for highlighted text. If not, then some people will not be able to read your creations!
Finally, enjoy yourself. I hope that you have a good time here.
If you're wonderng about anything, just ask an ACE. I'm around alot - just click 'Discuss this Entry'.