Traveling in Philadelphia

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Traveling in Philadelphia is said to be so hard that it's easier to stay where you are. Never try to walk , it's to easy to be mugged or get lost (the whole city it designed like a checher-board). Walking will just get you in the wrong place, and it's hard to tell because most of the buildings look the same in some parts of the city. Don't tire yourself out. But, don't take a car either, unless you mind being very late. It's even more confusing in a car. But, only if your visiting. If you descide to live there, it gets much easier by the day.
(Even though you may get lost in Philladelphia when your walking, try to enjoy it. The city is very beautiful.)
Rush hour every morning is more then and hour, so don't be fooled. It's about three hours. If you are coming into Philadelphia, take your car to the airport, and park it there. The easiest way to get around is by a cab. The only way to get a cab is to go to the ariport or to broad street in center city. Remember that the cab drivers have bad grammer and phonics skills so basically you can't hear them and they can hear you perfectly. Just pull out money and yell your destination,chances are the cab driver will be close but off a couple streets.
The last form of transportation is public. These are busses and subways. These are good, but are expensive. THe subways are much better then the busses, so just don't take the busses. Subways aren't to expensive, and you can get anywhere fast, but only use the subways in rush hour. If you use it anytime else, you may get mugged or end up lost (not in the actual train but at the stations).
In conclusion, traveling in Philadelphia is what you put into it, If you really try and take the safe routes that are listed, you will end up at the right destination on time and safely.

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