Gutsy Sam

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Once there was a man,

His name was Gutsy Sam

He could eat a pig

One real big-

He'd even eat it whole!
He was sat there at the table

Right there, you see? With Mable.

'The pig' he ordered, 'with nothing on the side'

'The pig,' it came, and was evidently fried.

'A little sauce' he muttered, Mable nearly cried.
It was Friday night when

The pig looked round, it didn't make a sound

Of course, you think, why's that profound?

Well, I tells ya Gutsy S. was heading into town.

So the pig had heard of the rumour of Sam's strange humour

'Oink' he thought, he's a nutter,

But maybe he'll still stutter, when he sees the size of me.
Not a tremble, not a quake as Sam inspects his pork

Mable, at the table, had a simple thought:

Dear, Sam, Gutsy S. try some salad, try some fish,

But please avoid that greasy dish.

The pig looked on intently, trying not to show

That he was far more worried with what was about to go:
Outcried Sam, for he was in trouble,

'Alack, alas, something's going to burst my bubble'

To the street he staggered, groaning as he went.

The pig was right, poor old S. would soon be spent.
Again the pig looked up intently trying not to show

How worried he was with what was about to go.

It went bang, bang it went, all over the road(ed)

For Sam he had had one too many, he had just exploded!

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